b. 1986, HK.
photo by: www.christineelizabethphotography.org
Chase Bank, Nickelodeon, Sony, Petco, Chase Bank, Synchrony Bank, Sensodyne, Anderson, E!, Sprout, Home Depot, Lady Gaga, Good Morning America, Lewis Black, Black Sheep, Prime Films, NYC Department of Education, NYC Parks Department, Staten Island Children’s Museum, Please Touch Museum, Killsboro, Blue Pearl, Little Star Productions, Noble Maritime Collection, The Magic Prank Show With Justin Williams.
Despite all of our differences we can probably all relate on one level; an appreciation of beauty. It has no one color or shape, no one style or size. It is universally objective. We may have our favorites, our "look" but still, it remains that appreciation. We innately have creative minds that we each access on different levels. A simple vision of something that's hard to articulate or has only been seen in your imagination feels an inexpiable urge to become real. We all deserve those energies to exist in our reality. Maybe something beautiful to fill our homes with or to gift upon another. Or just a way to have colors and design improve our moods and our surroundings. We all need art, whether we realize it or not. Art and an appreciation of its beauty is an essential part of our lives.
I want to make Art For Everyone.
Growing up, I was always filled with a hyper awareness of my surroundings and a sensitivity to my visual perceptions and interpretations. I believe this has been and will always be my purpose. To receive cues, notions and needs. To seek an understanding of the nuances of every day life. And from that acknowledgment, to create something out of seemingly nothing. This excites me, challenges me and makes me feel alive. Life is so beautiful I just want to prism and interpret that energy however I can. I long to feel a sense of accomplishment, that I did my part the way I know how. My need to make art and create is my gift I can offer my community, in whatever grand or mundane circumstance I find myself in. Art is my medium, the vehicle in which I am able to give myself wholeheartedly and for this, I am grateful.